Thursday, June 30, 2011

Maya at Day 4

So, the big thing these days among our friends is taking pictures of your kid alongside a picture

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Video from Maya's birth

Amazed I thought to record this - and please excuse my high-pitched screams ; ).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

3D ultrasound pics!

So from the day of our first ultrasound, Richard has been asking our doctor for a 3D ultrasound. We've been told time and again that they don't have the 3D capabilities in the office we go to.

Well yesterday I'm in for my routine weekly appointment,  where they monitor my amniotic fluid and every now and then get a read on the baby's weight (last week she was 6 pounds, 4 ounces).  I don't even get super excited for these ultrasounds anymore, since usually it only takes about 3-4 minutes and mostly what they do is look for the black splotches on the screen that represent my fluid. I'll occasionally ask them to confirm she's still a girl (yep!), but otherwise it's pretty routine. But yesterday, the technician finishes up her fluid measurements and then casually asks, "Would you like a 3-d shot of the face?"


It was so cool - I've never seen anything like it. She was so real and human, it just really made me realize I have a human being growing in there!And she's so adorable!! The tech said she has a petite face and delicate features, but all I see when I look at these pictures is the cheeks! Does it remind you of anyone?

Cute Little Nose

Sucking her thumb

Sleepy head

Eggy's Daddy

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nursery complete! Full-term! Countdown is on...

So, after multiple bedskirts, different sheet sets, several versions of storage cubes... we've finally finished the perfect (we think) nursery for our little eggy!

As of week 37, Lisa's now considered "full-term" so I've been instructed to no longer travel, keep my cellphone on all the time... we've installed our car seats (fun fact - did you know that fewer than 1% of people install them correctly?!  We did!).  We also made the big trip to Costco and pretended like we're NEVER going to be able to shop again.  Felt like we were expecting the end of the world!  Anyway, I think we're as prepared as we can possibly be... until eggy comes, then it will seem like we're not prepared at all.

We're very excited to have both our parents coming in mid-July and late-July...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Full Term!!!

Monday was an important milestone - I am officially full term now! That means if Eggy was born tomorrow, she would be fully "baked" and not need any special medical attention. Woo hoo!! Its getting so exciting now, I literally can't walk down the hallway at work without getting lots of comments and oohs and ahhs, all of which I love and is making me even more ready to meet little Eggy!

I had a doctor's appointment last Thursday, where they told me I was already 1cm dilated (totally normal for 36 weeks, you can be 1 cm dilated for weeks). I go back in tomorrow morning so I'll be curious to see if it's developed any further.

It's finally getting hot in Boston, and I can see now why they say you don't want to be pregnant in the summer! But we're enjoying being outside, we took a nice walk on Sunday through the Arnold Arboretum and laid in the grass in the sun for a while. It was heavenly. I can't wait to do it with Eggy! And this weekend Courtney and Aaron are in town for Franny's wedding, so I'm looking forward to seeing them.

I really want Eggy to come right around her due date, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to make that happen, let me know!