Monday, April 11, 2011

Nursery Ideas

We got our crib and dresser this weekend, yay! (Thanks Richard and Marc for picking it up and putting it together!)

Nursery - Part I

Practicing putting eggy in her crib!

I spent a large chunk of time this weekend thinking about nursery decor. I'm so thrilled that we're having a girl, but I have to be honest, I'm not loving all the decorating options out there. I like pink, but there's something about baby stuff that is just so girlie and princess-y, and I'm already sick of it. I want to do something bright and colorful and fun, especially since I'll be spending a lot of time in there this summer. I read some tip that the best thing to do to start with decorating the nursery is to pick one central point that you build around. Well after several hours of searching, I found this amazing wall decal that I just fell in love with:

First of all, I've been kinda into Owls for the last year or so. They've been popping up everywhere, so they're becoming pretty popular. But I always remember how my Grandma collected owls, she'd have a bunch of them lined up on a ledge in her house and I always thought they were pretty cool. But also, I just love the colors here - bright pink, blue, green - and the walls in our nursery are a very pale yellow, just like this picture, which I really think makes them pop. Its a huge mural, it will take up the whole back wall, so I think I found my "centerpiece"!!

The hard part is finding matching bedding. Most of the stuff in the stores and on the typical baby sites are light pink and wouldn't go with this design at all. But I somehow stumbled across a place that specializes in more unique, modern baby bedding, and I think this set will go perfectly with the wall design.

Throw in a couple of cute accents, and I think it will all start to come together!

What do you guys think?

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