Monday, May 28, 2012

1 month to go!

I cant believe little Maya Rose Lee is going to be 1 year in just 1 short month... It's crazy seeing our friends  little newborns next to Maya - I can barely even remember when she was that little. But I feel like everyday, I fall in love with her more and more. And the things she does now blow me away! Some examples:
1. She continues to blow raspberries after she sneezes - trying to milk the "Bless Yous"!
2. When I read her the Runaway Bunny before bed (which we still do most nights) - she does the most amazing thing now. When I ask her "Where is the little bunny" - she points to him and says "There!" (or something that can easily be interpreted as "there!").  And she's usually right!
3. She can take a few steps on her own, but not fully walking - yet...
4. But she can climb up steps, on top of toy chests, under daddy's legs, and pretty much anywhere else she wants to get to!
5. After a few weeks of pinching noses and stealing glasses, we finally taught her to be gentle with faces. When I say "Nice Mommy", she holds my face in her hands and strokes me in such a sweet way. Its so amazing.

Here are the pics - can't wait to see you at her 1 year bday party in June!

I threw this one in so you can see her teeth! They're getting big!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Maya's amazing dinner, courtesy of Gloria!