Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Outfit #1: Punk Princess Maya wore this to her daycare parade on Friday, and again to a brunch on Sunday with all her friends from Great Beginnings. She really stood out from the crowd!

Wow, this skirt is fluffy!

Check out my attempted mowhawk!

That's right, I'm punk rock AND I suck a pacifier

A Halloween pinwheel!

With my friend Captain Wiggle Pants (aka Elyse)

And now for outfit #2 - cute little ladybug. This one I wore for the outside events, since it was nice and warm! Good thing I had this when it was snowy on Saturday!

The cutest little ladybug ever

I just love Halloween!!

With my friend John Volpe and his mom. Who's the Pink-Haired lady?

Did I mention how happy I am in this costume?

Number 32, Daddy Lee!

3 little babies sitting on a porch...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Maya's 4 month stats

Maya's 4 month doctors appointment was this past Wednesday - hard to believe she's already 4 months!  The time is flying by... and Maya continues to amaze us with her development.  She's pretty much sitting up on her own right now, and really prefers to try and stand (with some assistance from mommy & daddy).  She's trying to crawl already, but it's still a bit early for that.  I'm worried she may learn to walk before she crawls!  Her dexterity is also really progressing - she loves to literally grab everything in sight and try and put it in her mouth, so we have to keep a close eye on her!  She can pretty much pick up a pacifier and put it in & out of her mouth by herself - amazing!

Her height & weight have slowed down a bit - which isn't much of a surprise, considering who her mommy (5' 2") and daddy (5' 8") are... but her head is still well above-average because of her gargantuan brain!

Height has slowed a bit - now exactly 50th %ile - perfectly avg!

Maya's weight gain has leveled off - at 13 lbs 10 oz - she continues to eat like crazy, but also is SO active.
But, her HEAD (and brain) are still growing strong!  I think you can thank Daddy's Korean lineage for size & Mommy for brains!
It's almost Halloween!  We've got some super cute Maya outfits we've dressed her up in at various parties... more to come in a Halloween specific post - BOO!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cranberry Festival!

I forgot to post these pics from a few weeks ago. When Grandma and Grandpa were in town during Columbus Day, we went to a Cranberry festival in Wareham. It was a beautiful day, the cranberries were beautiful, Maya even more so!

Bath Time!

We took some fun pictures last night during bath time. Warning! Some of the following images may not be suitable for young audiences! ;)

4 month Pics!

Maya is 4 months today! A lot has happened since her 3 month birthday. Maya is sitting up, almost all by herself! And she's getting much stronger in her legs, her favorite position is standing and she is always trying to get us to stand her up. Every time she does she has a big smile on her face! She's playing with some big girl toys already, she loves the spinning top that Daddy bought her (6 months+) and the learn to stand toy that we got from Marla and Ian (9 months+). She continues to be so curious about everything. We went for a hike this weekend and it was so much fun watching her touch leaves on a tree or play in a pile of dried leaves. She even touched a worm for the first time!

It was hard leaving Maya for the first time when I went back to work, but she loved daycare and seemed to really thrive there. I just think she is such a social baby, she loves being around people and studying new faces. But the pick up was too tough, and we decided instead to hire a nanny to stay with Maya all day. Luckily, we found a really sweet, loving woman named Gloria and we are so excited for her to be Maya's nanny. Gloria is from Mexico and her family is the most important thing to her. She has 2 brothers and a cute younger sister, and she is really close to her mom. So we know that Gloria will help teach Maya all the values that are important to us. Plus, she'll be able to teach Maya some Spanish! Now if only Daddy could teach her some Korean, she would be tri-lingual!

It's starting to get cold in Boston, and sadly every Weds I've been home has been rainy, yuck! But we're excited for Halloween weekend - Maya has two costumes - a cute ladybug and a punk princess. We also wanted to do an old-fashioned baby with the cute bonnet my mom gave me, but I haven't been able to find any dresses to go with it. I'm still looking though!

Here are the 4 month pics - some in her pjs and some in her cute dress. Which do you like better?
Maya was talking to the pink Owl during the photo shoot. I wonder what she was saying!

2 feet tall, and another half a foot of hair!

so much cuteness!

Jailbird baby

Woah, what are you guys doing here?

And I'm done!!
I'll let Richard write the post on Maya's stats - he has the latest growth chart. But she got a very clean bill of health, and the green light to start solid foods! Our baby is growing up so fast!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Maya's first (and possibly last) art project from Day Care

Maya had her first painting / art class at daycare!  We knew first because she had paint all over her one-sie!  We also just saw some pictures of her doing the actually painting - she looked like she was having so much fun!


Sadly, we may be pulling her out of daycare, since getting back into Boston by 5:30 is very difficult and stressful.  But, we think we've found a GREAT nanny who can help us take care of, love and develop Maya until we get home.  We're signing her up for art classes and music classes so she can continue to develop her obvious artistic skills ; )

Maya reading a paper

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall in Boston

We've been having a wonderful fall weekend, just what I needed after my first week back at work. We had very few plans, so made the most of the nice weather with runs on both Sat and Sun and hanging out in the Public Garden. Even Maya got in on the action with her Y3 kicks from Uncle Eddie!

playing with the leaves

maya and daddy by the duck pond

the coolest baby on the block

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Laichs come to Boston (again!)

Grandma and Grandpa Laich (I still think of my grandparents when I say that) came back to Boston for what is looking to be a gorgeous fall weekend! They're here to help me cope with going back to work on Monday, the only worry is that I'm not going to let them leave!

Maya was a little off schedule today, due to a stimulating morning at ISIS. She slept for almost 3 hours during a walk through the park! But she still dazzled everyone with her adorable smile, and played her favorite game - going around the table and flirting with each person sitting around it.  
Hey, this thing doesn't have any milk in it! Grandpa, where's my milk?!?
Ok Maya, you can watch TV while Grandma and Grandpa are here. But don't get used to it!!
Special guest appearance during bedtime - Grandpa reading Maya's Pookie book

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was a big day in the Lee-Laich household. Daddy got another year older (I won't say how old he is, but next year is a very big birthday for him, so you can probably figure it out!) and Maya celebrated her 100-day birthday, which is a big celebration in Korean culture.

Richard stayed home from work so we could take Maya to meet her daycare teachers. He got a nice taste of what my maternity leave has been like, and I think he finally understands why I don't really want it to end! It was a gorgeous day, and after we left Bright Horizons we had a nice lunch on the patio at Tico and bought Maya some new clothes/books/toys at Marshalls. Then we hung out at home while Maya took a mega-nap, Marc came over while we opened presents, and a new sitter watched Maya while we went to Coppa for dinner.

I'm in the final countdown now, only a few more days left before I head back to work. Luckily we had a great experience this morning at Bright Horizons and I know Maya is going to love it there. Her teachers are amazing and all the other kids were really into her. I have a feeling she's going to make a lot of friends there...

Maya at Bright Horizons with Ashley, one of her new teachers

Maya made a new friend already!

Maya's cute new hat

Daddy and Maya with their birthday loot

We can't wait for winter with this cute new snowsuit!

Look at that cute 100-day-old face

Birthday Bedtime Story