Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wk 30 Bump! Less than 10 wks to go!!

So, I've been a little delinquent in posting, but fortunately Lisa has picked up my slack (and she also happens to be a better writer too!).  Anyway, there's been rumors flying around the Internet that Lisa has a pillow underneath her shirt in our Baby Bump pictures - not true!  She's just been staying active working out 4 days a week!  To quash those false statements - here's a pic of Lisa showing the REAL bump:

It's REAL! If this were video, you could see crazy eggy movements!

The picture above was from week 27.5, but here are a bunch more from Wk 30 (actually Tues, Apr 19) which gives you a good sense for how big eggy has gotten already!

Even though you can barely tell I'm preggers from the front, from the side, you can kinda tell...

By the time you all come for the baby shower, li'l eggy will no longer be so little!  We can't wait to see y

But I think Daddy has gained the most weight!

ou all!

Preparing for the big day

Richard and I spent all day today in a Childbirth class at ISIS, which was really helpful. We had an amazing teacher, Sandy Jones, who was really energetic and kept the 6 hour class moving so we never got bored. We started by talking about some of the aches and pains that come in the 3rd trimester, and she showed some cool anatomy pictures that helped explain how the body adapts around the growing baby. Then Sandy talked about all the signs of impending labor, some gross (eww mucus plug) and some intriguing (I like the idea of nesting - she said 24-48 hours before labor you go into a hyper state of organizing the house - Richard is worried about that!)

Sandy also talked a lot about the different phases of contractions, even demonstrating how it will progress by acting out the various levels of pain. Then just when everyone in the class was starting to get scared, she showed us a video of a birth. To be honest, the whole thing looked pretty anticlimactic! The woman in the video had an epidural (which we're planning to do, based on Uncle Eddie's professional advice) and after that kicked in, she calmly delivered her baby with barely any screaming. The video did show a pretty graphic view of the head crowning and the baby coming out, which left both me and Richard a little shaky. But luckily after the video, it was time for lunch!

In the afternoon, we learned some good breathing and relaxation techniques, I feel like all the yoga I've been doing is good practice in terms of finding that "happy place". At one point during the class, all the women were supposed to give massages to their partners to show them what sort of massage we wanted ourselves. Someone in class pointed out that would be a funny picture for the brochure - it would probably make the men more interested in coming! The last hour or so we talked about what will happen after delivery, and got a quick intro to breastfeeding. We're going to a more in-depth breastfeeding class on Tuesday, so we should learn more then.

Other than that, we spent this weekend organizing all the various baby gear we've gotten so far, which includes some amazingly cute pieces from Uncle Eddie! He's been having fun on - and Eggy is the lucky beneficiary of his generosity! Take a look at some of the adorable items he's bought us:

Betcha didn't know bandana was back in style!

I'm going to be more stylish than mommy and daddy!

Love this Rocking Horse!

And Auntie Dani got us a super cute elephant humidifier for Eggy's room. Not only is it practical (eggy's room tends to get a little dry, I don't want her having any problems breathing), but its also adding to the nursery decor!

Doesn't he just make you smile?

Eggy is so lucky to have such an amazing family! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thanks Umma and Abba!

Umma and Abba ordered us a really nice rocking chair from Pottery Barn a few months ago and we just received it this weekend. It looks great in the nursery and it's SO comfortable, now all we need is a little Eggy to rock in it! Thanks so much Grandma and Grandpa Lee!

And even better, this is the gift that keeps on giving... Pottery Barn uses a 3rd party to deliver furniture items, and they have this horrible system where they call you the night before your delivery date and tell you what time they'll arrive within a 2-hour window. You can't pre-select your 2 hour window in advance, which basically means you have to commit to being home all day. Well on Saturday, Richard had to go to Chicago for the day and I planned a much-overdo hair cut and facial appointment. The only time I WOULDN'T be home was 10:30 - 12, so guess what time my 2-hour window was? Yep, that's right. 10 - 12. The 3rd party delivery company couldn't do anything about it, so I called Pottery Barn kids to complain about the lack of customer service. The guy on the phone was super nice and sympathetic and tried to help, but he couldn't do anything either. So instead, he gave us a $120 merchandise credit! Sweet! And then on Saturday, it turns out they delivered the chair right at 10:15, so I didn't have to miss my appointments after all! (Uncle Marc was on stand-by, he's been a really big help as we set up this nursery). So next weekend, we're going on a Pottery Barn shopping spree!

I also received some swatches from the bedding store today, and I love, love, love the colors! They are bright and fun and exactly what I hoped for.

Next up... Uncle Eddie's turn! He's been busy ordering stuff for Eggy on and we've gotten 2/4 packages so far. I have a feeling with Uncle Eddie buying stuff for our little girl, she's going to be better dressed than me!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wk 29 1/2 - More Ultrasound Pics

Well, it was confirmed AGAIN... still a girl ; ).  Lisa had another ultrasound today and everything is still tracking well - baby's heartbeat is strong, weighs almost 3 lbs (about the size of a butternut squash - one of our favorite fall veggies!), Lisa's weight gain right on track, and li'l eggy is head down!  She's such a good little girl already!  She's pretty calm in the belly - we can definitely feel her moving around, but no violent kicks (different than a few of our other friends who are about where we are in the pregnancy).  Lisa accidentally ate some of my spicy leftover food the other night and eggy was kicking around like crazy - she's definitely my li'l girl already!

Anyway, enjoy some of the pics below - we look forward to seeing you guys at the Baby Shower!!!

Wk 29 1/2 Ultrasound - almost 3 lbs!
Wk 29 1/2 Ultrasound - almost 3 lbs!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Nursery Ideas

We got our crib and dresser this weekend, yay! (Thanks Richard and Marc for picking it up and putting it together!)

Nursery - Part I

Practicing putting eggy in her crib!

I spent a large chunk of time this weekend thinking about nursery decor. I'm so thrilled that we're having a girl, but I have to be honest, I'm not loving all the decorating options out there. I like pink, but there's something about baby stuff that is just so girlie and princess-y, and I'm already sick of it. I want to do something bright and colorful and fun, especially since I'll be spending a lot of time in there this summer. I read some tip that the best thing to do to start with decorating the nursery is to pick one central point that you build around. Well after several hours of searching, I found this amazing wall decal that I just fell in love with:

First of all, I've been kinda into Owls for the last year or so. They've been popping up everywhere, so they're becoming pretty popular. But I always remember how my Grandma collected owls, she'd have a bunch of them lined up on a ledge in her house and I always thought they were pretty cool. But also, I just love the colors here - bright pink, blue, green - and the walls in our nursery are a very pale yellow, just like this picture, which I really think makes them pop. Its a huge mural, it will take up the whole back wall, so I think I found my "centerpiece"!!

The hard part is finding matching bedding. Most of the stuff in the stores and on the typical baby sites are light pink and wouldn't go with this design at all. But I somehow stumbled across a place that specializes in more unique, modern baby bedding, and I think this set will go perfectly with the wall design.

Throw in a couple of cute accents, and I think it will all start to come together!

What do you guys think?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Third Trimester!!!

Today is the start of the 3rd trimester, I can't believe how fast it has come! I can remember back when I was in week 14 and wondering when I would start having to wear full-on maternity clothes. Well, the time has definitely come! I was getting away with wearing regular tops (ok, they were some of my more stretchy regular tops, but still, they worked) over maternity pants up until last week, but no longer. After traveling for the last 4 weekends in a row, I haven't really had much time to buy much maternity clothes, so I'm starting to get a little sick of my clothing options. But I liked today's outfit, so I made Richard take the baby bump picture in it instead of the usual tank top ensemble.
[caption id="attachment_177" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Week 28 Bump"][/caption]

Richard was feeling a little jealous of all the attention my stomach was getting in this blog, and he wanted to show off his week 28 belly too.

Interestingly, his stomach is getting smaller at the same time as mine is getting bigger... He's been waking up at 5:30am a few mornings a week to do a spinning class at a new studio next door, and it's really paying off! I join him once a week, and usually scare everyone in the class when I climb on a bike. But really, spinning isn't that hard on me and my doc said its ok. I have to get all my exercise in now, it will be a lot harder after eggy comes!