Monday, March 25, 2013

Fun Weekend and Baby #2 Update!

Well, its officially spring in Wellesley, but you would never know based on the snow covering the ground at 16 Paine Street. Here is a picture of Maya from last week in the backyard.
Help! I'm trapped in the backyard!
But we've been making the best of it, and the weather warmed up a bit this past weekend, so hopefully it will be gone in a few days.
Maya had a very social weekend, starting with the grand opening of Kidville in Wellesley, where she played with her BFFs Ella, August & Sophie. The place was too much of a zoo to take pictures, but here are some other pics of her with her BFFs in the past few weeks:
Future Fashion Models - Half Korean models are in vogue these days!

Kissing August, right on the lips!! In Mardis Gras glasses no less!
I don't have any pics of Sophie right now, but she basically looks just like Maya!

After the Kidville opening, we chaperoned Maya & August on their first date at Bertucci's. Both kids were amazingly well behaved, and Richard and I were able to catch up with August's parents, Brian & Corinne. Who knows, we might all be family some day!

On Sunday, Daddy had to go do a fantasy baseball draft all morning and then ran errands in the afternoon, so I got to spend the day with Maya Papaya. We had a great swim class in the morning, then went to Starbucks for our treats (latte for Mommy, Banana Walnut Bread for Maya). We went to an Easter Egg hunt at the Wellesley Rec center, but Maya got a little freaked out by the giant bunny. It looked something like this:

I can't say I blame her, it was a little freaky. But then we found this amazing playroom that was filled with mats and lots of different foam blocks, ramps, tunnels, etc. Maya LOVED it, she was the youngest one by far but she got right in there with the big kids and played on the "Pirate Ship", jumped off towers, and dove head first into the tunnel.

Then she STILL had energy to burn, so we played in the snow-covered playground for another 20 minutes, Maya is getting so confident now - she climbs all over the playground by herself and loves to do the slide solo.

We came home for lunch and nap, and then by the time she woke up, Daddy was home! Maya wanted "More Outside", so we walked to Whole Foods and played with some ducks in the field. She didn't want to come in, so she and Daddy went to another playground while Mommy came home and colored Easter Eggs and made Maya some chilled pea soup (super yummy).

After all this excitement, Maya slept great last night - no crying even though Mommy put her to bed - I guess that's the secret!

As for Baby #2., he is an active little guy!! He has been moving a lot lately, but my suspicion is that he is positioned sideways and not head down. Hopefully I'm wrong - we'll find out Thursday in my next appointment. His nursery is as good as it can get right now - we won't be moving the crib in there until after he's a few months old, I am not looking forward to transitioning Maya to a big girl bed! But his room looks really cute, and Daddy is thrilled we didn't have to repaint it! We're still finalizing names (not that we'll tell anyone until he's born!) - and I'm hoping that in these next few weeks it will start to sink in that we're going to have a newborn again! I am a little terrified of the sleep deprivation, but hopefully he will be a good eater and sleeper. Fingers crossed!

That's all for now!